Things to Look for In Remote Employees
- Disposition 01:31
- David recommends doing a video interview using Zoom.
- When they come on the call, do they look nervous or are they smiling? What is their disposition?
- Also, think about how this person will fit with your existing team members and your company culture.
- Good verbal and written communication skills 03:21
- This is incredibly important for remote employees because most of your communication will be through written messaging.
- Some people even start their interview with messaging to test this before doing a video interview.
- Skillset evaluation 05:12
- You will want to do some sort of skillset evaluation to test their technical knowledge for the area you are hiring them for.
- Ask some technical questions and then give them a project to work on. See how they complete it and the quality of the work.
- Even after you hire someone, periodically you’ll want to make sure that you are still getting the same quality of work (and that the person hasn’t outsourced your work without telling you).
- Expectations/job description 07:47
- You want to make sure there are clear expectations on what you expect from them and what they should be able to do to successfully perform the job duties.
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