How to Educate Clients When They Have Unrealistic Website Expectations
- “Can you make me an Amazon or an Ebay type website?” 01:17
- Many clients think that creating something like an ecommerce site is as simple as installing the WooCommerce plugin.
- They have no idea all of the work that goes into building these types of websites. Not to mention that websites like Amazon and Ebay have HUGE budgets and teams working on the sites.
- Scope creep 03:13
- This is a very common problem in web design projects. A client wants a pop-up added in or new feature created from scratch.
- When this happens, it’s important to educate clients by telling them that these things are possible, but they were not included in the original contract or quote and will cost an additional amount of time and money.
- Then, the client can decide if it’s worth the extra money to have that feature.
- How to not handle website expectations 04:37
- “It’s not in our contract and I’m not doing that.”
- Be understanding with your clients. Just because something is second nature to you, it doesn’t mean that the client will understand the value of it.
- Listen to the client, understand their needs, and then explain what it will take.
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