WordPress User Roles and How To Use Them
- Admin 01:02
- Admin has full control over everything.
- Admins can install plugins, tweak content, create users, delete users, and more.
- If you make someone else an Admin on your site, then they have all the same user privileges as you do (and could potentially delete you from the site!)
- Editor 03:50
- This is the second highest user role.
- When you think of the Editor user role, think content.
- They can do anything relating to content, publish, managing comments, etc.
- Author 03:15
- Authors can edit their own content, but not anyone else’s.
- They can create content, edit content, publish, and delete their own content.
- Authors can also upload media.
- Contributor 04:11
- Contributors can edit their own content, but not publish or upload media.
- We actually talked about this topic recently in Episode 334 about how to let contributors upload media.
- Other roles 05:08
- Other plugins will add additional roles in certain cases.
- Plugins like Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerce will add additional roles to help with commerce support.
- Learn more about your user roles 06:21
- You can read all about the WordPress user roles in the Codex.
- If you want to test out someone’s permissions, you can use the plugin User Switching.
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