5 Tips for More Readable Blog Posts
- Use short paragraphs 01:30
- We recommend 3 sentences max.
- It makes your content easier to read, digest, and scan.
- Mix up the size of paragraphs 02:21
- Yes use short paragraphs, but don’t make them all 3 sentences.
- Mix it up by asking a question that takes up one line.
- Something to break up the content and make it more interesting.
- This is called pattern interruption.
- Use conversational tones with personality 03:44
- Blog posts should be friendly and show personality!
- It’s easier to read and will also contribute to your overall branding.
- You want to write at a 5th grade reading level. Unless you’re writing something scientific or super complicated, you want to make your content really easy to understand.
- Also, use first person point of view. It helps to convey that positive, friendly tone to your brand, as opposed to a generic tone.
- Use proper font sizing and spacing 06:33
- You want the font to be easy to read, but not too big.
- You also want to have the spacing enough to be easy to scan and not too close together to make more readable blog posts.
- Use attractive images 07:56
- Even if you have proper font sizes and spacing, you want to add images!
- Again, use that pattern interruption to break up the content.
- Don’t use cheesy stock photos. Find unique and high quality images.
- People also love animated gifs!
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