Why Cutting Corners Never Leads to Success
- Our new student that purchased a course, immediately wanted to get access to all the lessons upfront 01:30
- So the reason we go with the drip model is because studies show that this model is more successful for students. It has a greater course completion rate than getting all the content up front, and as a result allows students to be more successful by being able take action. 03:00
- It takes a bit more patience, but students will be more successful as a result!04:10
- Cutting corners never leads to success it only leads to more failures until you eventually learn the hard way annd that you need do things correctly 06:53

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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim:
Cutting corners – love your podcasts and have all access to both your and David’s products and Business Course. I hope I am an exception to the ‘reputable people don’t download everything’ comment. I do. I had a website disappear a week after I purchased a lifetime membership (short life), one was sold and changed access, and one where the owner retired and closed. I expect that your sites will be around longer and I will continue to gain a lot from your knowledge. I am still not halfway through the course – working and trying to process everything – no way in a weekend. Appreciate you all and hope to have the privilege to say that in person some say.