Will Leaving Business Cards in Local Businesses Get You Clients
Yesterday in Episode 301, we talked about if you should still use business cards in 2018, and the answer was yes!
- Tim’s opinion 00:58
- It’s not going to hurt, but it’s probably not the best use of your time.
- For example, how often is someone going to go out for dinner, see your web design business card on the counter, and say to themselves “Hey I need a website! I’ll hire this person!”
- It seems more effective to hand out cards at networking events.
- David’s opinion 03:16
- This method might be effective, depending on the size of town you live in…
- If you live in a major city, it isn’t worth your time.
- If you live in a small town, a lot of people know each other. They trust small business owners. If a business owner let’s you put your business card in their establishment, people in that town may trust you by association.
- It still may not return as much as other marketing efforts though.
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