How Often Should You Redesign Your WordPress Website
- For client websites 00:59
- You want your clients to redesign their website because that’s more work for you, but you don’t want to do a full redesign too often.
- If it’s a more static or brochure type website, then every 3-4 years should be sufficient.
- If it’s an e-commerce website or another website that needs more frequent updates, then redesign every 1-2 years.
- This doesn’t mean that you need to completely redesign the website every time. It may just need a refresh with new colors, images, or updated content.
- For your website 02:46
- You should update your own website at least every two years.
- Clients are coming to you for your web design expertise and your own website is a reflection of your skills.
- It is also a great place to display your portfolio of work, so keep this updated with your best projects.
- Having your website up-to-date can also help you get more referral business.

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