WCUS 2017 Recap
Two weeks ago, David and Tim attended WordCamp US. They got to hang out with a lot of their peers and make new friends in the WordPress community. Plus, there were many WordPress vendors at the event, which meant lots of swag and giveaways!
If you design WordPress websites, David and Tim highly recommend that you attend a WordCamp. It’s just a really cool experience and you’ll meet so many amazing people.
- The big deal this year was Gutenburg 06:22
- This has been in the works for quite some time. The good news is that… it’s still coming! Be on the lookout for this around March/April of 2018.
- David and Tim’s favorite part of the event 07:55
- They usually don’t attend many sessions, instead they focus on spending time with the attendees, especially those in the Divi community.
- They spent a lot of time with the team over at Elegant Themes. Since David and Tim both work in the Divi space, it’s important to build these relationships.
- Listen in for a special story that happened during the event!
- The event ended with the famous “State of the Word” and the after party 13:14
- This focused mainly around Gutenburg.
- Then came the WordCamp after party! This was at an interactive science museum. Basically where you get to be a kid again, with a bunch of WordPress adults.
- Many WordPress industry leaders came together 14:27
- David got to meet the founder of Elementor, which is a big competitor to the Divi platform.
- All of the WordPress page builder founders came together for a photo. This photo of them all hanging out illustrates the WordPress community perfectly.
Check out this recap of WCUS from Elegant Themes for more information about the event. WordPress.tv. will be posting videos from WCUS, so click here to see recorded sessions!

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