Why You Should Give Away Free Stuff
- Builds your audience 01:50
- Giving away free stuff will help you reach a larger audience and build your fanbase.
- Builds brand recognition 02:49
- Many potential customers will be exposed to your brand and remember you when they have a need for your product.
- Builds trust, loyalty, and credibility 03:07
- When you give away free stuff, it creates trust with potential customers.
- It also gives you credibility because you have this great freebie to give them. You must really be an expert to have a product to give away.
- And lastly… it’s great for SEO! 03:26
- If you’re creating content like free tutorials, you’ll be adding great SEO content to your website.
- What types of free stuff can you give away? 04:03
- Tutorials, PDF guides that you create based on content from your website, and much more.
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