How to Start a Blog with WordPress – The Quickstart Guide
- Choose a host 01:19
- If you’re serious about your business, be serious about your hosting.
- We have many great episodes on hosting platforms. You can find these episodes by using the search feature on our website.
- Our favorite hosting platforms are WP Engine and A2 Hosting.
- Install WordPress 02:00
- We recommend installing WordPress manually, instead of using a script, unless you are using WP Engine. Their install is secure.
- Choose a theme 02:29
- Obviously, we are huge Divi fans! It has great drag and drop features to help you build a website.
- There are so many options out there for WordPress themes, so find one that you like and suites your needs.
- Start writing 03:01
- If you’re going to start a blog with WordPress, you’ve got to start writing!
- Think about what subjects you want to cover and get into the habit of writing consistently.
- Choose a topic that you are passionate about, so you will continue to want to write about it over time.
- Hit publish 04:33
- Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Just hit publish!
- You can always edit it further later.
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