Social Media – How To Actually Leverage It Properly To Get Results
It’s Day 2 of Internet Marketing Week at WP the Podcast and we have our good friend Corey Hammond with us to chat about social media and how to leverage it properly for your business. Corey is the Chief Marketing Officer for A2 Hosting and an all around wealth of knowledge about internet marketing.
- Organic vs. Paid Reach 03:22
- Many people look at social media with a “build it and they will come” mentality. They think that because they made a Facebook page for their business, their customers will automatically be able to find them.
- Organic reach refers to the customers who are already following you, or find you organically through other ways, such as through your other followers. Whenever you post something on Facebook, your post is only seen by a percentage of your organic reach.
- Paid reach is the opportunity to expand your audience to people who don’t know about you. On Facebook, you can promote your page or boost a post to reach a targeted audience.
- What kind of content and how much? 06:38
- To increase your chances of reaching a new audience (or even a higher percentage of your existing audience) create content that is shareable.
- Right now, Facebook Live is very popular. Facebook may give your live video more reach to promote this feature. It’s really up to Facebook how they want to change their algorithm. It’s important to keep on top of what is working and what isn’t.
- Always be testing. What is your engagement like when you post once a week vs twice a week? Do images perform better or just text? Provide value to your audience and test to see what content is the most engaging.
- What are the important metrics? 11:07
- What kind of reach are you getting with your posts? Are people engaging with it? Compare likes, comments, and shares to see which posts are performing better.
- Basics to running paid ads 12:08
- Boosting a post will give you such a large increase in reach that it will seem like all of your boosted posts perform better than the organic posts. This is because Facebook’s algorithm ranks boosted posts much higher than organic posts from your Facebook page.
- You can set up very specific targeting with paid content. For example, if you are a dog groomer, you can target people within a certain radius of your business who have an interest in dogs.
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