How Being a Business Owner Gives You Freedom
- Ability to set your own hours 01:04
- If you’re a night owl and like to work into the wee hours of the morning, you can do that.
- If you want to get up early and take the rest of the day off, you can do that too.
- As a business owner, you also have flexibility to take vacation days, work remotely on the road, or even just take a long lunch in the middle of the week.
- You can work as much as you want or need to 02:16
- David and Tim are very ambitious and have many projects going on, but they are always in control of when they work and what they work on.
- You can work from anywhere 03:33
- As this podcast goes live, David is living on the road in an RV and Tim is on vacation in Hawaii.
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim: