7 Ways to Increase Client Referrals
- Idea #1: Do a great job 01:09
- If you say you’re going to deliver A, B, and C, then deliver A, B and C. If possible exceed those expectations and you’ll definitely increase your client referrals.
- Also, be sure that you deliver A, B, and C on time.
- Idea #2: Ask for referrals 01:49
- Ask your clients if they know of anyone who might need a website.
- Idea #3: Put your company name in the footer credits 02:29
- If someone goes to your client’s site and loves the design, then they will be able to see who made it.
- You want this to be subtle and not draw attention away from the website.
- This is also good for backlinks to your site.
- Idea # 4: Give out swag 03:54
- Give our small branded gifts. If the client uses the swag, then other people will see it and you will come up in conversation.
- Idea #5: Use referral partners 04:37
- Partner with other people in related and non-related industries.
- This can be free referrals or paid referrals.
- You can also use your existing clients as referral partners.
- Idea #6: Stay in touch with your clients 06:21
- You don’t want to build someone a website and then never talk to them again.
- Stay in touch and see if they need anything.
- Send out a newsletter with updates about your business and your services.
- Idea #7: Use plugins 07:10
- Divi Dashboard Welcome – Tim’s plugin for customizing the WordPress dashboard. Use this to brand the dashboard on your client’s website with your logo and information to keep your company top of mind.
- Testify – David’s plugin for obtaining client testimonials and displaying them on your site. Use this to show customer satisfaction and increase referrals.

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