7 Most Influential WordPress Companies Today
- Automattic 01:25
- This is the owner and creator of WordPress, so pretty important to include them on the list of most influential WordPress companies.
- They are continuously trying to innovate WordPress to be the best platform out there.
- Elegant Themes 02:45
- This is the creator of the Divi theme, which is the most popular theme in the world.
- IncSub 03:24
- This is the company that owns WPMUDEV.
- They have quite a few amazing plugins, including WP Smush and others.
- The readership on their blog is something like 1.6 million per month!
- WP Engine 04:31
- This is a hosting company that just acquired StudioPress, which owns the Genesis framework.
- Yoast 04:52
- Yoast is a fantastic SEO plugin to help you improve your on page SEO.
- Sandhills Development 05:17
- You may not recognize this name, but you might recognize their products… Easy Digital Downloads, Affiliate WP, Restrict Content Pro
- This company is one of the early plugin creators and continues to be one of the most influential WordPress companies today.
- Elementor 05:56
- This is a page builder, much like Divi is a page builder.
- They have over 1 million active installer on their free install.
- Honorary Mentions 06:17
- If we are going to mention Divi and Elementor, we have to give a shoutout to Beaver Builder as well. This page builder is a fantastic tool for building your websites.
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