How Do I Get My WordPress Site Listed on Google?
- So how do I get my website listed on Google? 01:23
- You don’t actually have to do anything special to start showing up on Google.
- Google has bots that crawl the internet and automatically index your website.
- However, there are ways to get discovered faster by Google 02:04
- This involves submitting a sitemap of your website.
- You can use a plugin like Yoast to create a sitemap for your website.
- Then, you take that sitemap URL and submit it in your Google Search Console.
- How to best increase your rankings over time 03:03
- Content is king. The more relevant and valuable content that you have on your website, the more likely it is to show up in search results.
- Blog and keep blogging! Google will eventually establish you as an authority in your space.
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