Why Your Website Needs a Blog
- Reason #1: “Content is King” 01:45
- The search engines love content. A 5 page website won’t help you rank. It’s simply not enough content. You need consistent quality blog posts to show the search engines that you know you are an authoritative resource in the industry or on the topic.
- Consistency is key so the search engines will continue to index you consistently.
- Reason #2: A blog helps build trust & credibility for prospective clients 05:00
- When potential clients see that you know enough on the subject to write detailed articles, it shows them that you’re someone worth hiring.
- People trusts exports, & want to hire them. It shows them that you’re on top of the latest trends, etc.
- Reason #3: Blogging positions you to be an authority on the subject 06:20
- Reason # 4: It helps build an audience, & gives you repeat traffic 08:22
- If you’re publishing high quality content consistently, you’ll have people subscribing, and checking in to see the latests posts.
- The buying cycle takes longer than one website visit. Give users additional reasons to come back to your site, and to keep you top of mind.
- If you can teach someone something, they’ll remember you when they need to hire a professional
- Reason #5: A blog can help you build an email lists or gain leads 10:45
- A blog can help you build an email list or consistent leads, even during a slow season. This can help you have a consistent flow of business.
- Reasons #6: In Summary: All the reasons above will help contribute to growing your business and bringing in more revenue. 12:15

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