The Value of Email Blasts During Big Promotions
- Just in case you didn’t know… email marketing works! 01:03
- Especially if you’re having a big promotion. This does wonders.
- There will be people who are annoyed by all the deals and emails. They might unsubscribe and that’s totally okay because those people aren’t your customers.
- It’s important that you send out “email blasts” or series of emails, so people don’t forget about your sale.
- Make sure that you are always providing quality content and value 02:55
- When you take the time to create tutorials, blog posts, videos, podcast episodes, and more, your customers will trust you and see you as an expert. Then, you can use that trust to show the value of your products as well and how the products will improve their business.
- Don’t worry too much about segmenting during major promotions 04:42
- Let your customers know about all the deals that are going on. Chances are slim that they have all of your products already.
- Also, segmenting doesn’t always work. Customers can sign up through multiple emails or sign up for multiple lead magnets on your site. This can make it hard to target these people, so show them all the deals during the holidays!
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