When You Should Use WordPress Multisite
- What is a WordPress multisite? 00:38
- A configuration that allows you to have multiple sites within the same WordPress installation.
- If you have very similar sites with the same plugins and theme 01:35
- Having a multisite can make maintenance and updates super simple. Instead of individually updating each site, you can update them all at once.
- Tim uses a multisite for demos of his WordPress themes. This makes it very easy for him to manage his demos and make updates.
- David uses a multisite for his Demo Zone, a place where you can go to learn about the power of using the Divi theme.
- It’s also just easier to manage multiple sites when you have one main login.
- For client sites 05:40
- If you have a bunch of brochure style or very simple sites, put them on a WordPress multisite. Then, you can easily update them all at once.
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