A Sweet New FREE Icon Plugin for WordPress
- WP and Divi Icons 00:50
- This is a brand new icon plugin by David’s company, Aspen Grove Studios.
- This plugin adds over 300 custom icons to your website, so you won’t have the same icons as every other website on the internet. Yours will be custom and way cooler.
- There is also a free version!
- Creative commons licensing 02:18
- You can use these icons for your business, online and offline.
- Use them on your website and then take them off the website and into your advertising campaigns.
- Features 02:52
- You can search through the icons easily to find what you need.
- The icons are SVGs, instead of icon font, which reduces bloat on your website.
- You can test out the multicolor functionality on the Aspen Grove Studios website here.
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
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- Tim: