Are the Riches Really in the Niches?
- They can be! 00:40
- What we are talking about here would be niching down your web design business to target only a specific niche, like dentists or photographers. There are infinite amounts of niches to target.
- In the beginning this can be a bit difficult, since you are trying to take any projects you can to get your business off the ground.
- Long-term this can be very valuable 01:28
- When you become known for a specific type of website, it can be easier to get clients and target the right customers.
- You’ll become knowledgeable in this niche and you can charge more! Then, you can find out for yourself. Are the riches really in the niches?
- Do both! 02:24
- Take projects that come your way and also go after a specific niche that you are passionate about.
- That way you can keep the money coming in and also start specializing.
- Niching is great for SEO 03:09
- If you build websites for dentists and many dentists are linking back to you, then Google will see you as an authority in this area.
- Learn more about this topic 04:38
- We heard about this topic on the Marketing School Podcast and thought it would be a great fit for our listeners! Check out their episode to learn more about niching.
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