Why Proper Client Education Leads to More Closed Deals
- Educating the client shows that you know your stuff 01:27
- If you can educate your client on the features of a WordPress website, the client will more likely trust you and want you to build their website.
- Don’t be afraid to share things with your client that you feel they need. It’s your job to be on top of trends and industry practices.
- Always serve the client 03:58
- If you always focus on serving the client vs closing the sale, you’ll win more sales.
- Share what you truly believe will be best for the client, regardless of if they choose you. This will break down barriers and build trust between you.
- Stay tuned for our upcoming courses on these topics 05:42
- David and Tim are going to show you how to put these skills into practice.
- There will be tons of free content in tutorials, webinars, and more. Then, for a more deep dive into these topics, you can check out the upcoming courses.
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim: