What Kind of Content Should Web Designers and Agencies Be Publishing?
This episode is a follow up to episode 170, How to Use Content Marketing to Increase Revenue.
- SEO tips 01:43
- Write about how to make websites rank better in search engines.
- Website speed and optimization 01:56
- This goes along with the first point. Write content about how to speed up a website for better search engine rankings.
- Business owners may have an older website that is starting to reeeeally slow down.
- Once they read your tips, they will be more willing to hire you for a website audit and possible redesign.
- The cost of a website 03:29
- This is going to be one of the first questions that a business owner will ask.
- Outline some of these costs and help the business owner understand what the cost of a website should be.
- Highlight local businesses in your portfolio 04:01
- If you’re going after local businesses, write about “5 Outstanding Websites from Local Businesses in Austin, TX”.
- They don’t all have to be your websites either. You are promoting local businesses and highlighting the ones that are doing it right online.
- You are also showing that you are an expert and know what you are talking about.
- Write about what your audience wants 04:52
- If your audience is small business, think about what they want to learn.
- Give your audience the knowledge of how to make their website better.
- Provide knowledge to be helpful, not to get a sale. If you build trust with your audience, they will be more likely to hire you later on down the road.
- You can talk about related topics to what you do, if this is something that your audience would find helpful. Just make sure that you don’t stray too far from your core offering. If you design websites, you don’t need to write about the most intense car chases in your area.
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