Should I Buy Privacy Options When I Buy a New Domain
- It’s only 8 bucks 01:35
- If you are just paying for that one website or a few others, you might as well go ahead and pay for it.
- What it does is protect your personal information when people look up your website on Who Is records.
- Instead of showing your information, it will just show the domain company’s information.
- It will protect you from spammers 02:39
- There are many bots online that search for your data.
- Companies use these databases to contact you and try to sell you their services.
- A workaround if you don’t want to buy the privacy options 04:13
- You can set up a google voice number and separate email for your domain information.
- This contact information can be different than the information on your actual domain account.
- You might want to try this if you have many domains under your name. It can save you a lot of money over time.
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