Should You Bid on RFP’s?
- What the heck is an RFP? 00:36
- It stands for Request For Proposal.
- Projects that require RFP’s are usually enterprise level companies with very large projects.
- These can be for government contracts, municipalities, or really any type of organization that is either required by law or by a board to submit contract opportunities out to the public.
- This is supposed to prevent contracts from automatically going to so and so’s brother-in-law who knows someone important. It gives other companies the opportunity to bid on the project.
- So should you bid on an RFP project? 02:20
- David’s opinion – They are a pain in the ass and usually a huge waste of time.
- Unless you know that you have a really good shot at getting the contract, you probably shouldn’t spend your time on this.
- They take a very long time to prepare, sometimes even weeks, and there is usually a very low chance of winning the project.
- Your competition 03:07
- Larger enterprise level agencies that are geared towards creating RFP’s will probably be bidding against you.
- These companies have a specialist that focuses completely on creating winning RFP’s.
- It’s important to understand 04:59
- At some point in your web design career, you’ll probably come across a RFP project. Based on the project, you’ll have to decide if it is worth your time to pursue it.
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