The Best Caching Plugin for WordPress
- What is caching? 00:32
- WordPress by default is slower than a static HTML website. This is because it has to go to the database every time a page loads. This is called the WordPress loop.
- Genius people came up with what’s called “caching”, which is a static version of a page.
- If nothing has changed on a page, WordPress will load the static page, resulting in faster load speeds.
- Using caching will significantly speed up your website and we have a recommendation for a fantastic caching plugin for WordPress!
- HummingBird Pro 02:14
- This plugin has some seriously amazing features. Our favorite feature is that it has Gravatar caching. This is a small feature that can make a huge impact in the page speed of your website.
- David’s company Aspen Grove Studios recently did a blog post about this plugin. You can check it out here to learn more about the awesome features.
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