Why You Should Always Be Open Minded in Business and Technology
- Don’t get complacent 00:49
- You should keep up to date on technology to stay at the top of your industry.
- It’s easy to get set in your ways if you have been in business for a long time.
- Don’t be afraid of new technologies 01:38
- When David first started out working with the Divi theme, he received a lot of negativity from other developers who looked down on using it.
- Now, it’s the number one WordPress theme in the world and those people are jumping on the band wagon for building websites with Divi.
- Even today we still see this happening 04:45
- During our talk at WordCamp Orange County, there were a few developers who rolled their eyes during our talk when we talked about the Divi theme.
- Stay open minded in business and technology. You never know when you might stumble upon the next great thing in your industry.
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