5 Things You Shouldn’t Do in a WordPress Facebook Group
- Spam your shiznit for sale 01:02
- You can promote things for sale, but this is not the place to spam everyone with your products.
- Facebook groups are for connecting, offering help, and learning from others, not for spamming your shiznit.
- PM members to solicit paid work 02:50
- This is when someone posts a question and another user sends a private message saying “Hey I can help you for x amount”.
- Always comment to charge for help 03:26
- Don’t comment on people’s posts saying that you will help them for a fee.
- This is the place to help, not solicit work.
- Belittle other members 04:12
- This is definitely one of the things you shouldn’t do in a WordPress Facebook group.
- Everyone is a beginner at some point.
- Don’t belittle other members if they ask a question that you think is dumb. That’s just not cool.
- Don’t only be a taker 05:05
- If you see an opportunity to help someone, go for it.
- Share your personal experience or insights into a topic.
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