5 Things Every Local Business Website Needs Above the Fold
- What does “above the fold” mean? 00:33
- This refers to everything on the website that a user sees before scrolling down the website.
- You want this important information above the fold in case the visitor does not scroll further down.
- Phone number 01:13
- You want to make sure that this is easily visible on every page.
- If someone is visiting your site on a mobile device, they are most likely looking for some specific information on your local business website and may want to call you for more details.
- Address 01:58
- Having your address prominent above the fold is crucial for local businesses.
- Visitors need to know where you are located, so they can visit your business.
- Hours of operation 02:11
- If you have a physical location, people will come to your local business website to check for your hours of operation. Make this easy to locate on your website.
- Email sign up 02:55
- You need to have some sort of call to action above the fold.
- Yelp Reviews 03:27
- This is only relevant to certain types of local businesses, but for restaurants, services, etc, Yelp reviews will be really important to your potential customers.
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