The Only 3 SEO Tools You Need
- Google Analytics 01:30
- This SEO tool is 100% free. You install some code on your site and it starts tracking what your visitors do.
- ahrefs 02:18
- This paid SEO tool gives you a lot of information on your own website, as well as a lot of information on your competitors.
- It can also show you where you rank for certain keywords and how to increase your rankings.
- It’s a great tool for spying on your competitor’s rankings!
- You can also use this tool to monitor links to your site.
- SEMrush 05:17
- This paid tool has similar features to ahrefs, but also focuses on paid search.
- You can use this tool to see what keywords your competitors are paying for and an estimate of what they are bidding on these keywords.
- Another way to use this tool is to identify new keywords that you can rank for faster using ads.
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