WordCamp US 2018 Recap
- Our favorite part 01:02
- We love getting to hang out with our people! There is nothing like being surrounded by your WordPress community, especially our Divi family!
- It’s hard to describe just how special it is to meet up in person with people you talk to frequently in online communities.
- If you’ve never been to a WordCamp, you should go! Be open to having conversations and meeting new people. Everyone is so friendly.
- David and Tim’s takeaway 08:00
- David and Tim both had the same thing to say about WordCamp US…
- This event just really solidified that there is so much value in spending time with people in the community.
- Face to face is so important!
- It’s worth the money. It’s worth the time. Just go!!
- As far as big news goes… 10:52
- Gutenberg is here! It kept getting pushed further and further out, but it is officially released.
- Of course, there will be many updates along the way, but the process has been started.
- Check out WordPress.tv to hear Matt Mullenweg talk about Gutenberg and what’s to come.
- We hope to see you at the next one! 12:29
- We will be at WordCamp Phoenix in February. We will be speaking about Over the Shoulder Email Marketing and we would love to meet you!
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim: