Why Web Designers Must be Marketers
- Designing for aesthetics doesn’t increase conversion 00:58
- Whether you are designing for yourself or for a client, you need to think about designing for conversion.
- Something like looks nice, may not always be easy to understand or follow in the customer journey.
- Being the expert for a client will build trust and offer value 02:52
- Clients want to know that you can create a website that will benefit their business.
- By knowing about marketing from a design perspective, you’ll be able to be the expert and guide the client where they want to go.
- This is a skill that you can learn over time. Find a mentor or take some classes and you’ll start to incorporate this into your business.
- Having this skill means that you can upsell more services 04:17
- If you know about email list building, e-commerce marketing, SEO, content marketing, or other specific marketing skills, you can upsell these services to your clients.
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