Our Top 5 Episodes & Why We Love Podcasting
It’s episode 200! A big THANK YOU to everyone for supporting us through these first 200 episodes. We love creating content for WP the Podcast and wanted to take this celebratory episode to talk about our top 5 episodes and why we love podcasting.
- EP 154 – The Only Three Things in SEO You Need to Focus On 01:35
- We can easily see why this episode is #1. It appeals not only to web developers, but also to DIYers.
- This episode also features our good friend Corey Hammond, who is full of extremely valuable marketing knowledge.
- EP 184 – What is GDPR & Why You Should Care 02:17
- This episode talks about the new laws in the European union.
- The popularity of this episode is most likely due to the fact that these laws will have an effect on everyone around the world. We all need to be aware of how these laws will be enforced, so we don’t get into trouble.
- EP 175 – The 5 Best Video Conferencing Tools for Web Professionals 02:52
- Video conferencing is very important in this digital age as we stay connected around the world.
- This episode covers our favorite tools for video conferencing.
- EP 177 – Should Your Web Design Business Specialize in a Niche 03:21
- This episode will help you decide whether to go broad or specialize for your web design company.
- EP 182 – When You Should Use WordPress Multisite 03:35
- Currently a very popular topic, multisites are a great feature of WordPress. This episode will help you determine when you should and shouldn’t use them for your business.
- Why we love podcasting 03:59
- The ability to share information about WordPress and give back to the community.
- Podcasting is a fantastic medium to share information and listeners are highly engaged.
- It has a lower barrier to entry compared to other platforms.
Thanks for listening to another episode of WP the Podcast!
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim: