How Properly Set Up SSL on Your Website
- Buy an SSL or use a free one 02:20
- You can get a free SSL from Let’s Encrypt or Cloudflare.
- If you have an ecommerce website and you want an extra level of trust with your customers, you can purchase a SSL certificate from a company like Comodo.
- The company will verify your identity and then you can display this certificate on your website.
- Change the domain in WordPress 04:01
- Once you have the SSL installed on your website, you want to change your website name in the settings from http to https.
- This will help pull your files in correctly.
- Force SSL by redirecting http to https 05:30
- Sometimes even when you have an SSL installed and have updated the website name, you might still have some links directing to the http version of your website.
- You can use forced SSL plugins, or make updates in Cloudflare or WP Engine.
- Fix insecure content warnings 06:28
- We discussed how to fix this error in Episode 223.
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