What is a Funnel, and When You Should Use Them?
- What is a funnel? 00:44
- A “funnel” is essentially funneling a customer from a landing page to purchasing your product.
- Any site that is selling a product or a service has some type of funnel.
- When should you use a funnel? 02:08
- You’ll need to have some sort of user acquisition and an audience to market to.
- It’s a great way to move people through your sales process (and weed them out if they aren’t your target customer!)
- We use a funnel for our Divi Business Expert Course 03:24
- We just opened enrollment for Divi Business Expert Course and we use a funnel to promote it.
- This helps potential customers decide if the course is right for them.
- What’s the difference between a website and a funnel? 04:03
- A website is usually promoting many things, but a funnel is specific to a marketing campaign.
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