Are Chat Bots the Future?
- Forms vs. Chat Bots 00:33
- Forms will always have their place, but chat bots can definitely fill needs better in certain situations.
- Chat bots create an interactive experience 01:26
- Chat bots are much more interactive than forms and are a more personable experience.
- It’s a great way to engage users.
- We definitely think that chat bots are the future!
- Chat bots are way more powerful than even the most advanced forms 03:17
- They have more integrations and you can do much more advanced processes, like opt ins, schedule appointments, link to articles, etc.
- This is great for sales and marketing, but also for customer support! A chat bot could cut down customer support inquiries significantly, which means you would need fewer customer support representatives.
- Engagement on chat bots is also amazing. Way more than even email!
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