Can I use WordPress Multisite to Host Client Sites?
- What is a multisite? 00:23
- WordPress multisite allows you to run an unlimited number of websites under the same WordPress installation.
- The benefit is that you can update plugins and themes once.
- So can you use these for client sites? 01:56
- Yes! But there are some conditions.
- Tim only puts certain types of client sites in his multisite. These are the brochure type static websites.
- For clients that have a lot of traffic or eCommerce, he would use a separate WordPress install.
- David doesn’t use multisites for clients, but he does use them for the demo themes on his website.
- You also need to make sure that any plugins that you want to use across sites is multisite compatible.
- If you’re unsure about it… 04:20
- Then just stick with separate installs.
- If you want to do more research, WPMU DEV has a lot of awesome content and tutorials around multisite.
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