Why You Should Brand the Backend of WordPress
- Top of mind awareness 01:12
- If your client is spending a lot of money with you, then you don’t want them to forget about you!
- You want to stay top of mind, so that they will come back to spend more money with you.
- If you brand the backend of WordPress with your company info, then you stay top of mind with your client.
- It’s an easy way to handle support 01:42
- If your contact info is in the backend, then it is very easy for your client to reach you for support.
- You don’t want your client to be confused by WordPress 03:03
- The client might think “I paid this person to build me a webite… but why does my backend say WordPress?”
- If you change it to have your own branding, then you don’t have to explain all of this over and over to the client.
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