An Additional Tool We Love for Increasing eCommerce Revenue
- Ahoy 00:50
- In Episode 422, we talked about how much we love the tool Jilt.
- This is another tool that we love for increasing eCommerce revenue. It also works really well when combined with Jilt!
- Automated messaging 01:46
- Ahoy is automated messaging for your website. You can set up messages to appear when users perform specific actions.
- For example, if a customer adds a certain product to their cart, you can set up messaging that automatically recommends other products the customer might like.
- The plugin has very powerful conditional logic built in. It works great with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.
- Exit intent and user acquisition 03:18
- David uses this plugin for exit intent on his website.
- Before a customer leaves the site, Ahoy pops up with a 10% off discount code to keep them shopping.
- Within the first 60 days of using this plugin, it generated about $20,000 in revenue for David’s business. You can find this out because the software comes with great analytics.
- Another great application of Ahoy would be for user acquisition in blog posts.
- For example, when a user gets to a certain point in a blog post, messaging could pop up for a lead magnet relating to that content.
- Check out their Black Friday Sale! 07:56
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