Our 6 Favorite Tools of Fall 2018
- Screenflow 00:58
- This is one of our favorite tools for creating tutorials and demo videos.
- It’s also great for basic video editing.
- MobileMonkey/Quirobot 02:17
- We’ve been talking a lot about chatbots recently and these are currently the two favorites!
- Chatbots provide a great user experience and can cut down on the customer support requests that you or your team currently handle.
- Check out Episode 370 to learn more about these softwares and chatbots in general.
- Jilt 04:44
- This is one of our favorite tools for abandoned cart recovery.
- It will automatically send out an email sequence to encourage the customer to complete the purchase.
- We really love this tool and all of its features.
- Dialogflow 06:40
- This is actually a Google Apps for Business tool.
- It’s and extremely powerful tool that works really well with chatbots and machine learning.
- OS Mojave 08:55
- The new Mac update for Mojave has a great screenshot tool that is super easy to use.
- You press shift + command + 5 to take a screenshot.
- EDD Mobile App 10:06
- David uses the Easy Digital Downloads mobile app to monitor his sales every day.
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
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- Tim: