5 Resources to Help You Build Better WordPress Websites
- Site speed 00:59
- Part of building better websites is making sure that those websites load quickly.
- Use one of the below tools to measure the speed of your websites regularly. These will show you how fast your website is loading and also what exactly on your site is slowing the speed down.
- Resources: GTmetrix and Pingdom
- Cross browser testing 02:20
- You might think about testing the few most common browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. But did you think about all of the different versions of these?
- There are so many more versions of browsers out there than you can imagine.
- Use some of the tools mentioned in episode 158 to test your websites out on all browsers.
- Responsive design testing tools 03:05
- Use a website like MattKersley.com to test your website in all types of devices.
- Google Chrome Developer Tools 03:38
- These tools allow you to build better WordPress websites by troubleshooting problems in the Chrome browser.
- Google Analytics 04:13
- This tool is important because you want to not only be able to track who is coming to your website, but also track things like your bounce rate and your page speeds in real time.
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