5 Free WordPress Plugins Worth Using
- WordPress Importer 00:57
- This is the default WordPress plugin for importing WordPress content.
- WordPress Database Reset 01:27
- This plugin is super handy when creating a website because it will allow you to easily reset the WordPress database.
- User Switching 01:59
- This is an awesome plugin for being able to see what other user roles on your website can see.
- For example, you can view what your clients or customers can see within their permissions on the site.
- Akismet 02:42
- This plugin is made by Automatic and comes preinstalled with WordPress.
- It is essential for blocking spam comments on your website.
- Simple URLs 03:17
- This is a great free plugin for affiliate links. It also includes tracking!
- Bonus! Forminator 04:01
- This is a fantastic new (free!) form plugin that is really amazing.
- Check out Episode 367 to learn more about why this plugin is so awesome.
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