The Only 3 Things In SEO You Need to Focus On
It’s Day 4 of Internet Marketing Week at WP the Podcast and we have our good friend Corey Hammond with us to chat about SEO. Corey is the Chief Marketing Officer for A2 Hosting and an all around wealth of knowledge about internet marketing.
- Technical 02:31
- The first aspect that you need to focus on for SEO is the technical piece.
- Search engines are just a bunch of programmatic bots that scour the internet. They need to be able to get to your website, crawl it, and understand it.
- The technical side has to do with things like hosting, website framework, sitemaps, and navigation structure. Some technical components also cross over into the content side as well, such as header tags, page titles, and metadata.
- Plugins like Yoast or All in one SEO will create sitemaps for you and provide many additional SEO benefits.
- Content 07:42
- This includes your on-page readable text.
- Do you have enough high quality content on your website? Do you have unique page titles? Are you using metadata, page titles, and header tags?
- Is your content relevant to your audience? If you are a web designer, do you have pages about the different types of services you offer?
- When creating static content for your website, make sure that you break out the content into different pages. Many businesses build a simple 5 page website, but don’t go into further detail. The more relevant content you have on your website, the better!
- To add more content on a consistent basis, publish blog posts on your website.
- Links 15:00
- The first type of links that you should be thinking about are internal links. Cross link your pages and blog posts. If you have a blog post about one of your services, link to it!
- The next type are external links. It’s almost like a popularity contest where you try to get high ranking websites to link back to you. You don’t just want a large quantity of websites linking to you though. You want high quality websites linking to you. Search engines take this into account.
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