3 Things We’re Looking Forward to About WCUS 2018
Word Camp US is coming up soon! It’s the biggest WordPress event of the year and these are the three things we are most excited about.
- State of the Word 01:34
- This is a talk given by the founder of WordPress about what’s new in the industry. Last year was about Gutenberg. This year will probably be about Gutenberg again!
- This is THE event. It’s the event that all WordPress fans are tuning into from around the world.
- It’s good information for you to know for your business and it’s also really fun.
- Networking 02:35
- It’s always so much fun to meet new people in the WordPress community at this event!
- Even if you are introverted, you can still very easily meet other WordPress enthusiasts. Everyone is so friendly.
- You can also make some fantastic connections that will impact your business.
- Put together a list of people you want to meet and then go introduce yourself! These could become great connections and you could pick their brain on WordPress and business topics.
- If you will be at the event, be sure to say hi to us!
- Afterparties and swag! 05:04
- There is an official afterparty on Friday night of the event and then so many other parties throughout the event.
- You also get all kinds of WordPress swag!! What WordPress fan doesn’t want WordPress swag?
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