3 Non Plugin WordPress Backup Solutions
- CodeGuard 02:34
- This software takes incremental backups, which means that it only backs up new changes.
- It takes up fewer resources and storage.
- It starts at $49 a month, which is more expensive than using a plugin.
- For a site that you need a fail-proof backup solution, this could be worth it.
- VaultPress 04:15
- This is a product by Automatic, which is the company that owns WordPress.com.
- This software takes features that they use for WordPress.com and provides them for your website.
- Their offsite automatic backups are the core feature that they offer.
- It also adds an extra level of security!
- It starts at $39 a year.
- BlogVault 06:06
- You might remember this from Episode 345, about the easiest way to migrate sites.
- This is a very powerful non plugin WordPress backup solution.
- It starts at $7.40 a month for one site.
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