2019 WordCamps We Plan to Attend
- WordCamp Phoenix 01:13
- February 15-17th.
- David and Tim will be speaking at this event. Come out and say hi!
- WordCamp Miami 02:15
- Mid March
- David will be attending this 2019 WordCamp for the first time and he will be helping launch something really exciting, specifically for WordCamp Miami.
- WordCamp Orange County 02:59
- April 27-28th.
- This is where David and Tim met for the first time in person!
- Maybes in TX! 03:33
- If these happen this year… David and Tim would attend Dallas, Austin, or San Antonio.
- These don’t always happen every year, so we’ll be on the look out for a schedule.
- WordCamp US 04:33
- This year it will be in St. Louis, Missouri.
- This is the place to be for WordPress developers in the US.
- It’s where you’ll hear the State of the Word address and much more!
Thanks for listening to another episode of WP the Podcast!
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim: