How NOT to do Business
- David’s recent experience with an RV mechanic 01:30
- Moral of the story… If you want to go out of business, be rude to your customers. The customer may not always be kind, but you should always treat them with respect.
- Don’t communicate with your clients 07:35
- Another way to not do business is to disappear on your client.
- Many clients already have a bad experience with a flaky developer or freelancer. Your client needs to know that they can trust you to communicate with them.
- Be condescending to your clients 09:13
- This is a great way to lose a customer. If your client doesn’t know much about WordPress, don’t talk down to them when explaining things. You will not get many contracts that way.
- Even something small can catch up to you later 10:54
- Sending one disrespectful email or text message to a client can come back to bite you later in your career.
- Use your common sense. Be kind. Be respectful. Don’t screw people over.
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