Why You Need to Take Care of Yourself Mentally
- Working remotely can be very isolating 01:04
- Whether you work remotely for yourself or with a team, it is easy to feel isolated.
- This is especially true if you are working long hours and not taking the time to reach out to colleagues, friends, and family for social interaction.
- You need to take care of yourself mentally, before you get burnt out from your work.
- Take a break and change up your routine 03:02
- Go take a walk at points throughout the day. If you have a pet, take your pet out for a walk.
- Make it a point to step away from your desk.
- Another thing that can help is to use a stand up desk. Check out Episode 226 for more info about stand up desks.
- Be a part of online communities 04:43
- Find people in your community that you can reach out to.
- It really helps to have these relationships where you can share your wins and struggles.
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