How Many Plugins Should I Use On My WordPress Website?
- The magic number is… 00:39
- Eleventeen!
- Just kidding. There really is no magic number. It will completely depend on your website functionality and your needs.
- Tim has built websites using the Divi theme and only used one additional plugin.
- It really just depends. For an e-commerce site, you might need a bunch of plugins.
- The rule of thumb for plugins is to use as many as you need, but not any more.
- Ask yourself this question. 01:51
- Can this functionality be achieved without using a plugin?
- If a plugin is saving you time and improving your website, then great! Use it.
- If it’s just performing a simple, one time task… Then, maybe don’t add another plugin to your website.
- Then, ask yourself about the quality of the plugin 03:30
- Is it well coded? Is it updated?
- If the answer to both of these is yes, then there is a good chance that the plugin will not slow down your website.
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