Why You Should Have a Launch Strategy
- It’s important to plan ahead 01:23
- There’s nothing worse than creating a really great product and then getting very few sales.
- When you create a launch strategy, you can have people on board to help you get the word out.
- It’s all about getting as many people as possible to rally around you 02:27
- Then at your launch, these people can purchase and review your product as soon as possible.
- Launch strategy example: Alyssa Padgett “Living in an RV” 03:12
- Alyssa Padgett over at HeathandAlyssa.com published a book on Amazon called “A Beginner’s Guide to Living in an RV: Everything I Wish I Knew Before Full-time RVing Across America”
- Before launching this book, she asked about 100 family and friends to be a part of her launch strategy.
- She created a private Facebook group and kept the group updated on the release date and what to do on launch day.
- On launch day, everyone went to Amazon, bought the book, and left a review.
- Because she had so much traffic at the launch, her book became an Amazon best seller.
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