Coopetition – What It Is and Why You Should Care
- What is it? 00:43
- It’s a word mashup of “cooperate” and “competition”.
- Rather than seeing your competitors as barriers to your success, you see them as opportunities.
- You partner with your competitors to help grow each other’s audiences.
- This podcast is a product of coopetition 02:13
- David and Tim are competitors in many ways. They both design websites and create products for the Divi theme.
- They have found that by banding together to create WP the Podcast (and their upcoming course!) that both businesses have skyrocketed. They have grown much faster together than they ever could have individually.
- More on coopetition 04:37
- David and Tim spoke on this topic at WordCamp Phoenix.
- Something that came up a lot in the Q&A for this talk was the topic of contracts. Do David and Tim currently use contracts in their projects together? Not yet, but they will put one together for the course.
- At the end of the day, what matters is the handshake agreement. Are you working with someone that you can trust?
- If you get one message from this episode, let it be this. Don’t be afraid to work WITH your competition.
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Want to Connect with David & Tim?
- David:
- Tim: